Monday, September 30, 2019

My Personal Goals

Every successful person has a list of values, visions, and goals. I live by my values, make decisions with my visions in my mind, and set goals that will help me reach my life visions. These three elements take me to places I want to be in life. These elements reflect achievement goals and performance goals. â€Å"Achievement goals reflect the purpose of an individual's achievement pursuits and two general types have been proposed: mastery and performance. When pursuing mastery goals, an individual's purpose is to develop competence by acquiring new knowledge and skills (e. . , â€Å"My goal in this class is to understand the material as thoroughly as possible. â€Å"). When pursuing performance goals, an individual's purpose is to demonstrate competence relative to others (e. g. , â€Å"My goal in this class is to do better than other students. â€Å"). Thus, individuals can be motivated to achieve for two very different reasons: to increase their competence by learning as much as they can or to gain favorable judgments of their competence by performing as well as they can compared to others. † (Barron & Harackiewicz, 2001, p. 06) My achievement goals and performance goals are family, career, and education. These three categories intergrade within one another. My education goal is to obtain my Bachelors of Science in nursing degree. My career goal relies on the completion of my degree to continue to advance in my career. My family goal is to maintain a healthy, happy, well-balanced structure while perusing and achieving my other goals. â€Å"Professional life has a great impact on the personal life of a person. If one is neglected, then, the other aspect will be hampered. So, a proper scale of balance must be maintained. (Kar, 2011, p. 11) Throughout life as values and visions change and goals are attained, new goals arise. Education is my new goal. My vision for my career path has given me the value to achieve a Bachelors of Science in nursing degree. I have chosen to attend â€Å"University of Phoenix† online to help maintain family balance and life visions. I believe â€Å"University of Phoenix† design courses to help meet and maintain my education short-term goals and to stay on track with meeting my long-term education goal. My short-term goals include completing and passing every course. Within my short-term goals there are milestones. The milestones are laid out in class discussions and smaller assignments. The large assignments and group projects will be part of my short-term goals for that course. I will divide my large assignments into milestones. Completion of each milestone within that assignment I will reevaluate the progress and continue to move forward until milestones are meant and assignments successfully completed prior to due date. Meeting these milestones will help me reinforce my commitments as I continue to advance forward. My education goal is a new goal because of my change in careers. I had been a trauma nurse since 2003. Working in the emergency department I demonstrated leadership skills, personal accountability, and professionalism by exchanging ideas and feedback while embracing opportunities for change. October 2013, I was approached to apply for an administration position and accepted the offer. One requirement for the position is to obtain my BSN, in addition to a short-term goal for my career so I can continue advancing forward in my career path. My current position has directed me to the following pathways. Improve efficiencies with nursing processes, reduction of readmission rates, increase satisfaction scores with pain management and develop outreach programs for patients with chronic disease. I have individual visions for each pathway. Every pathway goes in different directions. It is important to maintain clear vision and focus on every pathway individually. I have short-term goals that help me reach my visions. I rely heavily on team approach to meet goals with exceptional outcome. I facilitate each team; the team plans the short and long-term goals for the projects. Within the short-term goals there are milestones with due dates. Progress and barriers are addressed at scheduled meetings. The process drives timing, communication, and progress. To maintain balance among my family, work, education, and free time, I will use several tools. A planner lays out timing to achieve short-term goals and record milestones. My educational time is early morning and late evening studies; dividing my educational time helps maintain balance with family needs. The family’s schedule displays in the kitchen on a calendar whiteboard. The calendar is visible to everyone and lists important activities. My time after work is according to children’s homework, activities, and events. I have set aside eight hours a week for time in the gym, which is very important to maintain life balance and reduce stress. At work I have to use different tools. Outlook calendar displays my meetings and events. A whiteboard is in my office where I list projects. This list creates visual details of ilestones, due dates, and target completion dates. Completed projects are kept track of in an excel spreadsheet to monitor success or barriers. Projects are officially titled successful when measureable outcome demonstrates effectiveness, efficiency and increase productivity. In conclusion, I will attain my educational goal by achieving my BSN degree. My short- term career goals are to continue to complete projects with exceptional outcome. My long- term goa l is to continue advancing in a successful career path. I understand I have to sacrifice things to allocate for new goals. I know scheduling time each day to work on my goals is a key to my success. To reach my goals I understand I cannot allow excuses. I know it will be critical to stay on task and to do what needs to be accomplished every day. â€Å"Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Every step toward the goal requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. † (King, 2001-2013, p. 1)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

African Americans Essay

The African American journey has been one of trials and tribulations which they suffered greatly to achieve freedom and success. The battle has led the citizens of this nation to have witnessed the first African American President of the United States. The journey that has brought African Americans to the present situation has seen intermittent successes and numerous setbacks. Perseverance from many generations has brought about a gradual but progressive change. The journey begun in a state of slavery, through the act of slavery racism was seen in its rarest forms. The long journey emerged from African Americans being sold to white traders and transported across the Atlantic Ocean. Slaves were auctioned off and sold to the highest bidders. African Americans were considered personal property of the white man and viewed as economic commodity. Their strength and endurance was formed as a result of working in the fields and kitchens from sunrise to sunset. The slaves lived off of the bare necessities in life. This act of slavery existed for decades and helped to shape the course of American history. From slavery to the March on Washington and many other events, African Americans have fought for their rights in United States, and have achieved their identity through many historical movements. The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution officially abolished slavery and freed the slaves to make a life for themselves as the Reconstruction Period. During the Reconstruction Era (1867) African Americans still suffered hardships under the leadership of Andrew Johnson who became president after Lincoln had got assassinated in 1865. Andrew Johnson had no intention of helping the African Americans he wanted to punish the slaveholders in the South. Andrew Jackson opposed giving African Americans the freedom to vote or equal rights. 1870 the 15th Amendment was ratified and became a law that specified African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 3 African American men had the right to vote. Voting was part of African Americans receiving civil liberties. The Civil Rights Movement and racial oppression were very significant moments in the American history. Exploitation was seen based on the color of one’s skin. Oppression was the way to keep the African American’s voice unheard. The dominant race manipulated America and shaped it according to the value of one race in society. Gaining equality was the essence of the struggle for African Americans in which white society pushed to prohibit African Americans from gaining any form of equality. Americans were uninformed and unaware of how corrupt the government officials were. During the historical journey of the African Americans the government failed to have all humans’ best interest in mind. The African American Journey Devastation of trials and tribulations were prevalent among the African Americans before 1865. The Civil War put a new twist on how society tuned into a racist world. Racism was very powerful and demanding during this period in life. Racism still prevails in the present tense only in more subtle ways. Before 1865 issues with slavery depicted lynching, segregation, low wages for job performances and derogatory defamation of character within a race due to skin pigmentation. Slavery and degradation never killed the desire of freedom and a promising future for African Americans. This was one of the foremost occurrences of hatred and dehumanizing of man because of the color of their skin. This exemplified the state of condition the African Americans were placed and recognized that another race was superior or had power over another race. African Americans were considered powerless over their own lives. The Emancipation African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 4 Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment were passed by a strong leader named Abraham Lincoln, which declared all of America’s slaves were free by 1865. In 1865, African Americans were finally feeling like human beings and not like property that endured brutality, harsh whippings, no rights as humans and cruel punishment. The passing of various civil liberty movements’, education, employment and voting privileges improved. Fox (2014) stated that southern blacks were impatient in seeking voting privileges. The U. S. Constitution gave all blacks a nominal right to vote, but southern blacks were often blocked at the polls, and racial apartheid was the foundation of a rigid caste system. The Thirteenth and Fifteenth Amendment abolished slavery and Americans were making strides to work things out. After the release of slaves the black codes of law were passed laws, statues, and rules enacted by southern states after the Civil War to gain control over the slaves again and protect the white man’s property from retaliation. The slave owners were worried that they had to do the Plantation work themselves after the slaves were freed, and blacks would want revenge on them because of the hardships of oppression over hundreds of years. Progression of African Americans throughout the 18th and 19th centuries was a struggle. The relationships between blacks and whites were, frustrating and intense, primarily because the concept of reigning in superior positions over African Americans lives in respect to finances, social activities, cultural values or political affiliations has not changed significantly. African Americans fought for equal opportunity and their rights as a human race. They struggled to fit in with society. Despite the developments and changes, many fiscal and visual (how they were perceived) characteristics of African Americans at the end of the nineteenth century did not African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 5 differ from that of the mid-1800s. 1865-1876 was considered a time of change for African Americans but racism continued to cause much pain and despair for African Americans. Two significant events that surfaced to support the emergence of African Americans was the Harlem Renaissance Movement (1920) and the Civil Rights Movement. The Harlem Renaissance contributed to the talents and cultural beliefs of African Americans. They were able to bring perspective and pride to their lives. Harlem Renaissance was defined as: The Harlem Renaissance was the name given to the cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem between the end of World War I and the middle of the 1930s. During this period Harlem was a cultural center, drawing black writers, artists, musicians, photographers, poets, and scholars. Many had come from the South, fleeing its oppressive caste system in order to find a place where they could freely express their talents (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2002, p. 1). African Americans felt they were able to make specific contributions to society and start communicating their feelings, beliefs and values to others. The Harlem Renaissance Movement brought different racial groups together in appreciation of the music and poetry but did not have much success in breaking the racial divide between the races that were expressed in the Jim Crow excerpts. â€Å"The Renaissance incorporated jazz and the blues, attracting whites to Harlem speakeasies, where interracial couples danced. It contributed to a certain relaxation of racial attitudes among young whites, but its greatest impact was to reinforce race pride among blacks† (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2002, p. 1). The 1964 Civil Rights Movement gave African Americans the right to take a stand against racism. Racial discrimination was a major problem that caused havoc in the lives of African Americans. Several events emerged from the Civil Rights African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 6 movement that made a significant impact on the lives of African Americans- the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Black Power Movement. The events above promoted a means of outlawing racial discrimination. Segregation was protested through political and social protest rallies and campaigns. The Black Power Movement gave African Americans a voice to be heard. Political and religious reasons were heard as their voices resonated throughout society. â€Å"The African American movement gained political legitimacy because it politicized the grievances of collective memory and appealed to a common ancestry to regain for this people cultural, political, and economic rights by rejecting subordination and White cultural supremacy or hegemony† (Jalata, 2002, p. 1). Before the Civil Rights Movement America was considered in the realms of practicing apartheid. All African Americans were humiliated, denied their civil rights and liberties, dehumanized and suffered tremendous hardships. Several movements initiated progress for African Americans. They were finally gaining their rights to live as human beings and become a part of society. â€Å"But the awkward truth is that when it comes to the goals laid down by the civil rights movement in general and Brown in particular, America is actually going backward† (Younge, 2014, p. 10). A school in Little Rock marked a turn in events for African Americans. This was in 1957 when the governor issued an order to the National Guard troops to stop the nine black children from entering the school. The order was denied and a mob of white students intimidated the black students. Federal soldiers escorted the black students into the school and were protected by the armed guards. The governor, African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 7 Faubus, closed all of the city’s schools to prevent integration. The African Americans prevailed regardless of the circumstances. According to Pearson Education (2000) other events that marked a period of setbacks and progression in the lives of African Americans are: †¢1931 NINE BLACK YOUTHS ARE INDICTED IN SCOTTSBORO, ALA. , ON CHARGES OF HAVING raped two white women. †¢1947 JACKIE ROBINSON BREAKS MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL’S COLOR BARRIER WHEN HE IS signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers by Branch Rickey. †¢1952 MALCOLM X BECOMES A MINISTER OF THE NATION OF ISLAM. OVER THE NEXT several years his influence increases until he is one of the two most powerful members of the Black Muslims. †¢1963 MARTIN LUTHER KING WAS ARRESTED FOR MARCHING AGAINST ANTI-SEGREGATION. †¢1966 THE BLACK PANTHERS WAS FOUNDED. †¢1967 THURGOOD MARSHALL WAS APPOINTED TO THE SUPREME COURT. †¢2002 HALLE BERRY AND DENZEL WASHINGTON RECEIVED OSCARS FOR BEST ACTORS. †¢1992 RACIAL RIOTS ARE SEEN IN LOS ANGELES AFTER ACQUITTING FOUR WHITE BOYS FOR beating Rodney King. African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 8 †¢2005 CONDOLEEZZA RICE BECOMES THE FIRST BLACK FEMALE U. S. SECRETARY OF STATE. †¢2009 BARACK OBAMA BECAME THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT. Many problems that exist today seem to be repeating themselves. America seems to be making an upturn and the ugly faces of racism are reappearing. Younge (2014) stated that schools are re-segregating, legislation is being gutted, it’s getting harder to vote, large numbers are being deprived of their basic rights through incarceration, and the economic disparities between black and white are growing. In many areas, America is becoming more separate and less equal. Overcoming hurdles was nothing new to Obama and Colin Powell. Both men achieved success in American society. Obama became the first black president and Colin Powell became Secretary of State and served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Barack Obama is the first African American President of the United States and that is considered a very important step forward in this country. His administration has been one of struggle and plight to succeed because of the turmoil going on in the nation. Obama has succeeded in great ways without the support of many Republicans in the house. Asked â€Å"So, how has being Black affected your ability to govern? ,† Obama replied in part: â€Å"By virtue of being African-American, I’m attuned to how throughout this country’s history there have been times when folks have been locked out of opportunity, and because of the hard work of people of all races† (Cooper, 2012, p. 11). Obama has been successful in making equal opportunity a solution to African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 9 many problems. He has slowly opened the doors to more people and made equal opportunity happen through vigilance and determination. A great historical event occurred when Obama was elected as President. This surprised many Americans in the world. This symbolized a step forward towards racial equality in the history of African Americans. This election captured several important turn of events that said we have made great accomplishments. This completed the Civil Rights Movement and what it stood for, an emergence of a post-racial society, the elimination of multiculturalism and the possibility of ending the black struggle. There were several activist that would not have concluded that the black struggle has ended. Those people were Marcus Garvey, Ella Baker and Huey P. Newton. Their beliefs were based on specific facts that unifying scattered people of African descent, inspiring racial pride, and ultimately creating a separate, independent country should be the goals of racial uplift. Garvey thought black people were oppressed and divided as a race. Because they were ‘scattered as an unmixed and unrecognized part’ in numerous nations they were dependent upon the other races for kindness and sympathy. Many people have struggled to explain the plight of the African American race but the journey was one of hardship, courage and endurance that built character. The African American race has come a long way from cruelty and hardship inflicted during the 1800’s. The journey encompassed freedom, voting rights, civil liberties and equality. African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 10 References Blackpast. org. (2007). African American history timeline 1901-2000. Retrieved from http://www. blackpast. org/timelines/african-american-history-timeline-1900-2000 Cooper, K. J. (2012). The President’s Report Card. Crisis (15591573), 119(4), 6. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com.proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=true&db=f5h&AN=88314705&site=eds-live Educational Broadcasting Corporation (2002). The Harlem Renaissance. Retrieved from http://www. pbs. org/wnet/jimcrow/stories_events_harlem. html Fox Piven, F. (2014). 50 and FIGHTING. Planning, 80(6), 10. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=true&db=f5h&AN=96548704&site=eds-live Jalata, A. (2002). Revisiting the black struggle: Lessons for the 21st century. Journal of Black Studies, 33(1). Retrieved from African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 11 http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=true&db=edb&AN=7268500&site=eds-live Kirk, J. (2009). THE LONG ROAD TO EQUALITY. History Today, 59(2), 52-58. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=true&db=aph&AN=36590274&site=eds-live Pearson Education. (2000). African American history timeline. Retrieved from http://www. infoplease. com/spot/bhmtimeline. html Younge, G. (2014). The Awkward Truth about Race. Nation, 298(24), 10-11. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=true&db=aph&AN=96204081&site=eds-live.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Organizational Revolution in the United States Essay

The Organizational Revolution in the United States - Essay Example First and foremost, the growth of the US potential in the inter-war period cannot be underestimated, as the progress was of industrial type. It is likely that the United States could not develop by the rural model of the 19th century. A change should be weightier in the most innovative sectors of the industrial breakthrough, such as aviation and automobile building. With this in mind, a well-known and century-long American insurance industry had become too influential in the metropolitan life with huge and tall buildings in New York, Chicago and other significant cities of the US: In the first decade of the 20th century, the Metropolitan Life had insurance in force totaling over $2.2 billion, so it built and occupied, 1909—10, an immense temple in the sky which was 700 feet high, the world’s tallest for a time (Johnson 576). Hence, the organizational revolution presupposed a significant shift from mainly rural to industrial development, from isolation to acknowledgement, from illiteracy to educational breakthroughs with knowledge of markets, society, politics and economy at large. It was the time of overall discovery of the American potential from inside out. In fact, both human resources and intellectual capacity of Americans let the country improve on its performance on the verge of the 20th century. Looking at the figures of Henry Ford and Alfred P. Sloan, their contribution into machine-building industry was too high to ignore it. In fact, both made America the first in the world’s tempos of automobile building. It was they who established the American image of â€Å"biggerness† present in every part of a car. ... The thing is that when Ford tried to make a car affordable for every single American, Sloane coped with the best strategy for launching such cars: â€Å"While Ford made the product as well as he could, then looked for people to buy it, Sloane produced the widest possible range of cars for the maximum spread of customers† (Johnson 731). Hence, America had a huge market share in the world arena concerning automobile industry. With a more pragmatic and capitalist vision of American luminaries, it touched upon every field of scientific and technological progress. Besides, business owners and the richest families of the time tried to impose the spirit of progress and superiority to every American so as to show them the very picture of the future innovations and breakthrough, as might be seen in the post-war period. Thus, engineering, consumerism, investment trusts, turnaround of capital locally and in the international perspective were some of the main trends of the economical grow th as a consequence of the organizational revolution. Capitalism is always consumerism. In this vein, Americans got used to believe more in the actual goods and material amenities at their disposal, forgetting about the genuine virtues of the sound-minded society. This assumption comes as a result of the rural, small, and isolated community which the United States was at the outset of the independence and throughout the 19th century. However, the European basis of the five main social institutions was not neglected in the US. In turn it gave grounds to the economic expansion which became possible for the United States after the World War I and due to its isolation, to be precise. Different

Friday, September 27, 2019

Judicial Review in the UK and the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Judicial Review in the UK and the USA - Essay Example Judicial review was exercised even before that Constitutional Convention in several states. This is seen in respect of the fact that at least seven of 13 states had experienced the invalidation of their statutes on the grounds that that they violated the higher law or the constitution in one way or another. Hayburn's Case (1792) is one case that saw judicial review in practice as the court held the decision of Congress regarding pension applications unconstitutional. Hylton v. United States (1796) as decided by the US Supreme Court also saw Congress challenged in a matter relating to direct taxes. The Judiciary Act (Section 13) that establishes the US judicial courts gives the Supreme Court the authority to "to issue writs of mandamus, in cases warranted by the principles and usages of law, to any courts appointed, or persons holding office, under the authority of the United States" .Components of Judicial ReviewFor a higher law to be applied effectively, the ruler having constraint in making decisions, there needs to be a set of procedures through which the regulations can be translated into practical actions.   The procedures afore mentioned encompass the codification of the law in a manner that is legally cognizable in terms of language used, reliance on a competent institution to make interpretations of the regulations as well as the existence of a social agreement that the rulings made by the institution that interprets the regulations are supreme and must therefore be upheld. In simple terms judicial review demands three basic elements to be functional in the modern world; the existence of written law or a constitution, the existence of a competent institution (court) to interpret the law and finally respect for the ruling in respect of its

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business Scenarios Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Scenarios - Essay Example Moreover, it appears that he is in school just to pass time. One strategy to assist in seeking a solution to the predicament is informing the teacher because he or she may understand why the student lacks interest in education. Apparently, family issues can be the reason behind the student’s lack of interest in education. Since students are afraid to share their problems with their fellow students, the teacher will be of substantial help because students feel free to share their problems with teachers as opposed to their fellow students. Another strategy that may work is trying to inquire from the student the reasons for showing minimal commitment to work. By doing so, a student may reveal his problems and the students can devise a way of assisting the student in eliminating his problem. However, the best solution to curb the problem is referring the student to the school’s counselor. As stated earlier, family issues may be the reason why the student fails to value education. The counselor would be of immense help because they can interact with the student and know the problem. Moreover, they can advise the student on appropriate ways to eliminate the problem at

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Analytic Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analytic Argument - Essay Example Ume Hanazono was the pen name adopted by Tome to write haikus. As a mother she performed all the household activities as were expected by all the Japanese women and as a writer, she wrote with Japanese style of writing poetry, the haiku. In Japanese traditional families, the men are given the authority and dominance over women and they are also allowed to exercise their control over their wives, daughters and other women of family. Tome’s husband was a traditional male and enjoyed his authority over his family (Cheung 1991). He disliked his wife’s freedom to write haikus and showed his disgust on multiple occasions in the story. For example, at one night when the family went to Hayano’s family in the neighboring town, Tome’s husband without caring about the embarrassment her wife is going to face started to leave the house without taking her care and giving her any time to discuss her interests. Tome’s husband showed displeasure with Tome’s a ct of discussing haiku with Mr. Hayano. Tome’s husband believes in the values of Japanese tradition and thinks that a woman should do as her husband wishes and also that her topmost duty is to manage her household. Domestic life is given utmost importance. Tome’s husband being a traditional husband did not want his authority to be challenged and thinks that the haiku writing passion of her wife is a kind of challenge to his authority. Due to this fact, he shows entirely disliking for her wife’s creativity of haiku writing. However, as far as Tome is concerned, she is shown as a rebellious woman in terms of Japanese society as she continues to write haikus without caring her husband’s disgust for her passion (Yogi 1997). She does not work according to the norms of the society. With the support of her haiku writing, she is trying to gain power over her house. After migrating to America, she gets a chance to rebel against the traditional norms of Japanese society. She sees her

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Facebook Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Facebook - Essay Example The internet has a variety of different social networking websites such as MySpace, Netlog, Hi5, Yahoo and Facebook. This essay will examine and scrutinize Facebook and its varied features. It will begin with Facebook as a business and determining its industry from different aspects. Second, it will move to some information about Facebook, as well as details, such as Facebook background and some other facts. Third, this paper will go through a rundown of different business theories and strategies that Facebook uses like SWOT and PEST analysis, for instance. Fourth, this piece will take a look at Facebook data via explaining market share and financial issues. Fifth, we’ll be defining the different application of theories and strategies to data being used by the Facebook management. Ant then finally, this document will conclude with  looking at Facebook as a new business field, and how technology has been an effective aspect in that field, and not to forget, going through priv acy and risk management in this organization.   According to Techterms (2011), Facebook is a web site and a social network service, which means that it is an online service and platform that mirrors and builds social relations among people, for example, sharing interests and common activities. In February 2004 Facebook was launched, and it was operated privately and owned by Facebook. The name was acquired through papers that were given to new students and staff. By July 2011, Facebook had reached more than 800 million users. An American 23, Mark Zuckerberg born in 14th of May 1984 founded Facebook by following and associating computers, with fellow students Chris Hughes, Eduardo Saverin and Dustin Moskovitz, all of whom were his roommates. Zuckerberg is an Internet entrepreneur and computer programmer. A number of social networking websites were already developed by Mark Zuckerberg while he was still studying Psychology at Harvard University. The idea of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Logistics - Essay Example There are firms that have developed themselves as logistics providers and offer value added services to other firms. These firms manage logistics issues and supply chains of other firms since many firms prefer to outsource these functions. They plan, organize and direct firms’ supply chains and logistics. They provide integrated systems that usually meet the needs of their clients (LONG 2004, p.339). They have to organize how the client’s cargo reach destination on time and safely. Additionally, they ensure cargo clearance by the customs and order processing. This means that the operating costs of the clients reduce since the process is efficient. The idea is to make the logistical service provided be a component of the business of the clients. The provision of these logistical services by third parties enables firms to concentrate in the production process only, which is their core business. Once the firms produce products, logistics providers take over and deal with i ssues such as transport and communication. This paper discusses the various types of systems used in logistics services provision and the components of logistics management. In addition, it discuses the benefits and challenges associated with these systems. Logistics Systems There are various systems used in logistics management. These systems mainly aim at enabling firms to achieve quick response manufacturing. The business world is competitive, and the ability of a firm to produce faster gives it an edge over others. The firms should also be able to develop concept, design it and produce a product faster in order to be highly competitive. Opportunities are also available to firms that can produce products faster and deliver them to market quickly. Quick response manufacturing is a method that enables firms to reduce their lead times in the various stages of productions and operations. The goods produced thus reach the market early enough and enables the business to secure its pros pects. It enables the firm to be more competitive since its products are in the market early enough. It attracts clients due to the fast production and delivery of products to the market. Additionally, the profits of the firm are likely to increase since production time reduces, and the return on investments is likely to be improved. The benefits of this system are that the outlay on production reduces and the market share increases. The needs of the customers are also met faster, and the introduction of new goods in the market can be done swiftly. In addition, quick response production removes wastage and increases efficiency in the production process. One of the systems used in logistics management is the kanban system. This is an information system used in managing manufacturing quantities in various stages of production. It enables the firm to produce the desired quantities within the set time. Kanban is a card which notes the nature and the number of units to be produced. The c ard is dispatched to individuals in the prior stage from the succeeding process. The result is joining of all stages in the production process. The quantities and qualities of the products can then be easily monitored. The process enables autonomation and the tasks that workers do are homogeneous. The

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Discussion board week 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion board week 2 - Assignment Example gists who keep abreast with the emerging technology trends to remain flexible and to take advantage of unforeseen developments in technology (Steers, 2010). Innovation is another problem facing most organizations today. In order to meet customer needs and specifications organizations today need to invest in innovation (Barret, 2005). They are eager to create advanced cultures in innovation. The management may analyze competition and use innovation processes to satisfy customers while maintaining the company’s mission, goals, and objectives. Uncertainty in supply driven by the changes in commodity prices, disruptions in weather changes, increased costs of raw materials and competition makes supply planning more challenging (Stecher, 2004). The solution to this problem is having proper pricing strategies and developing a supply chain strategy that minimizes supply of commodities and that which ensures the lowest costs. Globalization is another challenge that organizations face. It is important to understand foreign cultures to penetrate new markets. In addition, organizations need to penetrate new markets with existing products and designing products and services for customers who are new (Galliers, 2003). Have proper channel designs that ensure that products are available for consumption. Organizations need to understand new markets and cultures by effective planning, and managing cultural differences in order to be successful globally. Organizations face challenges from government policies and regulations from different countries. Increased costs due to the payment of taxes that are ever changing. Some governments have put barriers on some products, therefore making it difficult to conduct business. Managers need to understand the policies put by the government before conducting

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Promoting Communication in Health and Social Care Essay Example for Free

Promoting Communication in Health and Social Care Essay Promoting communication in health and social care Outcome 1. 1 People can communicate for many various reasons. This can be to voice their opinions, to get attention, if they are in pain or when they want to get their emotions across. It can also to share ideas and information. Communication can also be done to build relationships, ask questions and share experiences. People communicate so that they can establish and maintain relationships with others and to give and receive information and instructions. 1. 2 communications in the work setting is one of the most important aspects of my role as a support worker and Carer. Communication allows me to build good working relationships with colleague’s service users and services. Correct communication allows me to help and support the service users. Many of the service users I support and non verbal so for effective communication, good technique has to be used in order to get and receive information. In order to support non verbal clients, a good understanding of their reaction, response and attitude is important. Communication between colleagues is also very important in order to support clients. Sharing issues and ideas can allow more people to think together to support an issue or problem. Day staff hand over to night staff any issues and problems to ensure night staff have all the relevant information in order to support clients. If the communication between staff is ineffective then this can create problems in the work place. It can cause a lack of confidence and trust. Outcome 2. 2 There are various factors to consider when promoting effective communications. As with various types of communications, one must consider the environment. We have to make sure the environment and surrounding are appropriate. We must consider if the environment is quiet. If we are discussing private and confidential information then it must be done somewhere private. We must consider if the person has the ability to understand. My role involves supporting clients who are non verbal and some with severe learning difficulties. This means my communication must be effective for that person. An example would be instead of asking a client if they would like a cup of tea, we show them an empty cup, and base our judgment on their response we give or don’t make them a cup of tea. One of the clients I support smiles a lot and becomes vocal when we show an empty of tea which usually result in them having a drink. Other times it’s not so simple. When we are communicating verbally, we should consider the tone and pitch of our voice. When speaking, we should consider if we are using the correct and appropriate language and words so that the client is able to understand. We must also consider the speed of our voice. Going back to non-verbal communication, we must consider using the correct facial and hand gestures as well as trying to understand the client’s reaction. Eye contact can also be important as it make the client aware you are communicating with them. Some clients like to touch or grab when they need something. If you pull your hand away quickly, it shows a lack of trust or reluctant to facilitate that clients need. Responding back with a correct body language can show that you understand and show trust in their communication method. Having a better understanding of the client’s condition would also allow for better communication. Know what your client can and cannot do or understand will ensure you spent more time and effort in trying to find ways of communicating in the way the client can understand. Outcome 3. 1 As people are all different, so is their communication and understanding. People from different backgrounds may use or interpret communication methods differently. Many people come from different cultures and have different understanding to our own. In the UK, we tend to have accents which usually give away where we are from. Different accents can be hard to understand. We also speak many languages which can make communication difficult. We must also understand that something being acceptable for one group of people may not be for another. Some people communicate using certain words and good grammar to get a point across. Other people speak in a high tone to get their voice heard. Some people use hand gestures frequently when communicating, this can be offensive or intimidating to others. AS support workers we must understand the diversity of the people we support. They are all different and communicate differently. For some clients verbal communication is sufficient and speaking normally as you do is sufficient. For other clients 3. 2 unfortunately there are some barriers to communication which can create problems when trying to support clients. One of these barriers includes the understanding of the client. As explained some clients are non verbal and have severe learning difficulties. These clients would find verbal communication very hard to understand. If the client has a hearing or visual impairment, this will also affect their communication as they will find it difficult to hear or see. The level of trust and relationship can also create a problem. One of the clients I support suffers from sociaphobia. This makes it very hard for new staff or people to support this client. It also takes them many years to build a good relationship and when an old staff member leaves, it creates many problems. We again must consider the environment as a barrier to communication. If it is too loud or too many people in the vicinity then it may be hard for a client to pay attention, listen or even understand. If the environment is too cold or too hot can also distract the client. 3. 5 We can try and get extra support from the local authority. Birmingham city council has dedicated adult services which offer advice and information on supporting clients effectively. A visit to the GP has many services that can help. GPs now have extra support from dieticians, speech therapists and psychiatrists who are all available to provide extra support. It can also help to get support from other Care homes in the company. Other support workers in different homes might have more experience in help a client with a certain condition. 4. 1 Confidentiality refers to private and important information that should not be shared with unauthorized persons. This information is usually given with an agreement that it would be kept safe and used for the sole purpose it has be ascertained for. Confidentiality is very important especially in regards to our clients. They rely on us to keep their information confidential and use it to support them. We as support workers have access to the client’s personal information like their address and family, so we have a responsibility to ensure we keep that information safe. Sometimes a client might give some information that they only want you to know and keep confidential. Sharing this information without a good reason can cause that client to stop trusting you. 4. 3 As stated above, sometimes confidential information that has been given to you and expected to keep from telling anyone else. If there is a risk to the client of danger or harm then it must be passed on. This can obviously cause tensions. This can cause the client to stop trusting you. If some information is given which relates to abuse then this information has to be passed on to line manager or social services (whistle-blowing policies). I believe the best way to do this would be to try and explain the reason for giving the information to others to the client and explaining the benefits. It can be hard in this situation but the safety of a client comes first.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Real Time Motion Detection Using Dynamic Camera

Real Time Motion Detection Using Dynamic Camera Abstract— nowadays, security of valuable and secret assets is very important for large organisation companies. Due to limitation of human resources and man power we need an efficient and reliable security system. To overcome this limitations and errors we will implement high level surveillance system for security. In our system, we will use dynamic camera for video surveillance which will feed video stream to system. System will perform various image processing operations to detect the object. Index Terms — Image processing, voting based motion estimation algorithm, Priority based spatial coding algorithm, content based temporal sampling algorithm, Video Surveillance system. Introduction Video surveillance systems are a very important in the modern times. Although some people don’t like the idea of being watched, surveillance systems improve the public security, allowing the system to detect dangers and the security forces to react in time. Surveillance systems developed in the recent years from simple surveillance systems into complex structures, containing multiple cameras and high end monitoring centers, armed with elegant hardware and software. However, the future of surveillance systems belongs to automatic tools that assist the system operator and notify him on the detection of security threats. It is important, because in complex systems consisting of multiple cameras, the operator cannot notice all the events. For efficient and reliable surveillance system, we need high detection rates and low false alarm rates, both of these ordinary methods most of the time does not work in turbulent territory. To eliminate such difficulties, we will be using different algorithms for camera motion estimation, capturing target frame and object detection. Our goal is to detect objects in motion reliably. Literature Survey [1] Feng-Li Lian, Yi-Chun Lin,Chien-Ting Kuo, and Jong-Hann Jean,moving object detection using mobile In this method, using moving camera the video is captured. The reference frame is taken first when the camera starts then current frame and the previous frame both are compared. Utilizing the frame differencing technique first the change detection from the captured images can be performed so the binary image can be generated by this technique that can be used to identify the area with significant difference between two frames or from the current frame to the background frame. [2] D.Wu,Y.T.Hou, Y. Q. Zhang,Real Time transmission of Video The video data from these cameras should be transmitted in real time to the control room or end-users for further analysing surveillance-related information. However, transmitting real-time video over a network is a challenge task because video data usually contain large amount of information quantity and the transmission channel might have limited bandwidth. When the transmission amount of video data exceeds the available bandwidth, excessive video flow in the network might lead to time delay and or packet loss, and further, the real-time performance of video transmission would be degraded. [3]J. M. Shapiro, B. Andersson, N. Pereira, W. Elmenreich A key solution to video transmission is to reduce the quantity and complexity of original videos but simultaneously preserve the most important message within the original image content. The development of image compression is to reduce the data quantity at the spatial scale for successful transmission. Based on the characteristics of the objects of interest existing in the video images, embedded coding algorithms are well-known techniques for image compression by generating variable bit-rate streams for progression transmission. I. block diagram The following block diagram represents the working of real time motion estimation by using dynamic camera. The diagram is divided into two parts. First one is capturing of frame and second part is comparison and object detection. At first, based quality image frame is captured from data stream of multiple frames using some frame grabbing algorithm. Then that frame is names as a recent or current image. The recent or current image is in RGB format which then converted into grey scale image. After RGB to grey scale conversion Gaussian blur technic is used to reduce noise and sharpness in the image. After above process the recent image is compared with background image. Background is image that if image that captured and updated by camera for every particular time frame .for comparison of this two image we need to subtract recent image to background image after subtraction we use threshold technique on resultant image. After threshold technique we get the binary image. We use blob detec tion algorithm on binary image which help us to detect object in that image .after the object detection object is registered and track. Fig. 1:Block diagram I.Camera Motion estimation In voting based mechanism image processing technique is used for motion estimation and edge detection. Image is necessary in tracking, detecting and recognition applications. There are two types’ image features Frequency features and amplitude features. Edge information of object is usually use for detect the location of moving object. Voting base mechanism edge detection of object plays very important role .In dynamic camera surveillance system as camera is always moving, the objects in captured images also look like moving objects, even though they are not. We can obtained correct edge information of moving object and still object by subtracting to successive frames .Estimation of camera motion is very important for identifying visual information of moving object. Therefore motion of camera should be estimated first using estimated motion of camera output of edge detection is calculated .The morphological erosion dilation are used to get correct and enhance outcome of moving edges. II. Content Based Temporal Sampling In surveillance system with high end camera devices frame rate is high and change of view cause by motion of dynamic camera is very small due to that consecutive captured images are almost identify .Hence transmitting this identical frames on limited bandwidth is not efficient utilization of bandwidth. Due to this problem the content based temporal sampling method is used. In content based temporal sampling only one image from n number of consecutive frames is selected. The selected images are selected on basis of content of image .Image containing more information is selected compare to image with less information. Image having more edges having more information .Therefore while selecting images blur images are given least preference over sharp images for frame selection canny edge detection is performed to locate edge pixel then number of are count for changing edges on each frame .according to content based temporal sampling algorithm the most important information would be save and less important an identical frame would be removed. III. Priority based spatial coding Usually, an image frame can be divided into important and unimportant parts in spatial domain. The importance can be decided based on the outcome of the moving edge detection. For example, moving objects can be considered as the most important information compared with other static objects and background. Hence, the result of the edge detection can also be used to specify the regions with or without moving objects. Therefore, the spatial coding algorithm can be used to encode the region with important information into a frame of higher visual quality and the region without important information into a frame of lower visual quality. Furthermore, an embedded coding algorithm, such as the set partitioning SPIHT, can be used to progressively encode the visual quality based on the currently determined importance and available bandwidth. IV. CONCLUSION In this paper we will be implementing a smart surveillance system which will detect moving object as well as abandoned object with dynamic camera. We will be using motion detection algorithm and various images processing technique for detection of objects in video stream. The surveillance system we are going to implement is low cost, efficient and highly reliable. This system will give common man access to use sophisticated security system. V. REFERENCES [1] G. L. Foresti, C. S. Regazzoni, and R. 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Industrial Informatics(INDIN), Osaka, Japan, Jul. 13–16, 2010, pp. 991–998. [10] F.-L. Lian, J. K.Yook,D.M. Tilbury, and J. R.Moyne, â€Å"Network architectureand communication modules for guaranteeing acceptable controland communication performance for networked multi-agent systems,†IEEE Trans. Ind. Inf., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 12–24, Feb. 2006. [11] B. Andersson, N. Pereira,W. Elmenreich, E. Tovar, F. Pacheco, and N.Cruz, â€Å"A scalable and efficient approach for obtaining measurementsin CAN-based control systems,† IEEE Trans. Ind. Inf., vol. 4, no. 2, pp.80–91, May 2008. [12] J. M. Shapiro, â€Å"Embedded image coding using zerotrees of wavelet coefficients,† IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 41, no. 12, pp.3445–3462, Dec. 1993.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

How Brian Clark avoids Senintimentality in Whose life is it Anyway Essa

‘Whose life is it anyway?’ follows the story of ‘Ken Harrison’, a man who tries to exercise a choice over his own life or death after being completely paralysed from the head down. Harrison received these horrific injuries after being involved in a car accident 4 months before the story starts. He is now in constant care within the hospitals walls being treated and cared for by the medical profession. The play centres on Harrison’s determination to exercise a choice over his own life or death with the medical bureaucracy fiercely opposing. The play leads as he takes the medical staff to court to try and exercise this right officially. This play is seemingly unsentimental in which Harrison responds to his plight with wit and clarity and argues his case with power and persuasion. As this play focuses on ones mans wish to die and the issue of euthanasia we as the audience would expect the play to be very emotional. With the storyline, Clark could have easily made this play the opposite of what it actually is, powerful and fast moving. As Harrison had been though such a terrible ordeal we would expect him to be full of self pity and self indulgence and therefore make the play emotional and miserable. Ken is first seen in Act 1, the first impression he makes on the reader is one of a happy and untroubled man. ‘I used to dream of situations like this†¦ lying on a bed being massaged by two beautiful women.’ This is the first of many comical references Ken makes throughout the play, this is a very strong tool that Clarke uses to avoid sentimentality in his play. It shows that Ken isn’t self indulgent but rather making the best out of his current situation. He is expressing how he feels in the form of humour. This is less emotional than s... purposely avoided. To asses how successful Clarke has been in bringing this serious issue to life we first need to consider our own right to personal choice. Clark has made it very obvious that our own personal choice can sometimes be defied by something as small as the medical bureaucracy. However he has also showed us that with determination, wit and clarity we can argue our right to make our own personal choice. Euthanasia is untimely a very sad issue which is normally dealt with sympathy and self indulgence, Clarke has brought this issue to life and has handled it exceptionally well, he has shown both the comical and sad sides to the debate without showing bias to any side. He has successfully avoided sentimentality in his play by using many different narrative tools such as comedy and rationality and has in the end stopped the play becoming over emotional.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Flying Tigers :: American America History

Flying Tigers Flying Tigers is the name of a mercenary group of American pilots that helped defend China and the Burma Road from the bombing of the Japanese during World War II. The name of their planes was Tomahawks, but the Chinese called them Fei Hu for the sharks teeth painted on their planes. Flying Tigers were known as the American Volunteer Group of the Chinese Air Force. The Flying Tigers did not see combat until December 1941 when the Japanese started bombing China. Jim Gordon, the leader of the Flying Tigers, was running short on pilots after the war had started so he began searching for new pilots. Blackie, one of the volunteers, wanted to be part of the Flying Tigers, but Jim didn't want Blackie. So his wife begged Jim to let Blackie into his group. One day during the Japanese bombing, Blackie's plane caught on fire. He jumped out attached to his parachute, but one of the Japanese planes saw him and shot him. Another volunteer, Woody, joined the Flying Tigers, he wanted to prove to Jim Gordon that he was an expert at flying planes. During the first attack, Jim wouldn't let Woody fly, but Woody flew anyway. When he was aiming for a soldier, he noticed that his plane didn't have bullets and was nearly killed. After that happened, Jim thought Woody would one day be a good pilot because he was brave enough to take on three Japanese planes all by himself with no bullets. When the day of December 7, 1941 hit, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ann ounced on the radio that Pearl Harbor was bombed which was, "A Day of Infamy," and when Jim heard on the radio he was very disappointed. The next day he decided to bomb Japan to help defend his country by himself, but Woody pretended to be the pilot flying the plane because he wanted to help Jim. When they got to Japan, they were aiming for a train full of Japanese soldiers. They started firing at them and when their plane caught fire, Jim and Woody decided to jump out. Then, all of a sudden, Woody pushed Jim out of the plane and flew the plane directly into the train and sacrificed his life to help Jim and his country.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Free College Essays - The Sword In The Stone :: Sword in the Stone Essays

The Sword In The Stone: Kay Gets What He Deserves At the end of The Sword in the Stone, it is true that Kay does receive the `rough end' of the deal because he, being the son of a noble and a knight, and the Wart, comparatively nothing but a squire to Kay became the King of England when Kay thought himself more qualified and better for the postition. However, throughout the Boy's childhood, Kay maintained the dominant position in their relationship. I think that it is only fair that in the end, justice is served and theWart gets to rule over Kay. When the boys were young, Kay maintained a dominant position over the Wart, constantly reminding and humiliating him by saying that he "was not a proper son" and "Kay seemed to regard this as making him inferior in some way". Because Kay constantly reminded the Wart that he "was not a proper son" and said that he was inferior, upsetting the Wart, he learned to simply give in to Kay and always let him get his own way. After this constant torment and opportunities only available to Kay, I think that it is only deserving that, in the end, the Wart becomes more powerful and important than Kay, Sir Ector and the other people who had always `ruled' him. I think that the Wart was a better person to Kay and although he may not have been superior to Kay, he certainly had a better personality and was kinder than Kay. With Merlyn's `education', the Wart learned not only how to lead well, but also to be a better person, and Merlyn taught him much about how to treat other people with respect and to relate better with them. When the Wart meets Robin Wood and Maid Marion, he learns through Marion that women are no different to men and should be treated equally. He is also taught the pointlessness of violence when he requests a joust between Sir Grummore and King Pellinore. Before the joust, Wart thinks that it is noble and brave to fight, but after seeing the Free College Essays - The Sword In The Stone :: Sword in the Stone Essays The Sword In The Stone: Kay Gets What He Deserves At the end of The Sword in the Stone, it is true that Kay does receive the `rough end' of the deal because he, being the son of a noble and a knight, and the Wart, comparatively nothing but a squire to Kay became the King of England when Kay thought himself more qualified and better for the postition. However, throughout the Boy's childhood, Kay maintained the dominant position in their relationship. I think that it is only fair that in the end, justice is served and theWart gets to rule over Kay. When the boys were young, Kay maintained a dominant position over the Wart, constantly reminding and humiliating him by saying that he "was not a proper son" and "Kay seemed to regard this as making him inferior in some way". Because Kay constantly reminded the Wart that he "was not a proper son" and said that he was inferior, upsetting the Wart, he learned to simply give in to Kay and always let him get his own way. After this constant torment and opportunities only available to Kay, I think that it is only deserving that, in the end, the Wart becomes more powerful and important than Kay, Sir Ector and the other people who had always `ruled' him. I think that the Wart was a better person to Kay and although he may not have been superior to Kay, he certainly had a better personality and was kinder than Kay. With Merlyn's `education', the Wart learned not only how to lead well, but also to be a better person, and Merlyn taught him much about how to treat other people with respect and to relate better with them. When the Wart meets Robin Wood and Maid Marion, he learns through Marion that women are no different to men and should be treated equally. He is also taught the pointlessness of violence when he requests a joust between Sir Grummore and King Pellinore. Before the joust, Wart thinks that it is noble and brave to fight, but after seeing the

Monday, September 16, 2019

McCulloch vs. Maryland

McCulloch vs. Maryland is one of the most significant cases ever decided by the United States Supreme Court, and is perhaps all the more significant in that it was one of earliest cases of major proportions decided by the court.   The background of this case extends many years before its 1819 Supreme Court decision.   In 1791, the Congress of the United States created the First Bank of the United States.   The First Bank was primarily formed in order to help alleviate debt accumulated during the Revolutionary War.   The brainchild of then-Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, it was bitterly opposed by many.   The First Bank remained in existence until 1811, when Congress decided to let its charter expire.Economic troubles in the United States continued during that time period, and especially as a result of the War of 1812.   In 1816, a proposition was passed to form the Second Bank of the United States in order to combat debt that continued to mount.   As with the charter of the First Bank, the charter of the Second Bank was only authorized to last for twenty years.   Opposition to the Second Bank was even fiercer than opposition to the First Bank.The State of Maryland, to protect itself from loan mandates of the Second Bank, passed a law imposing a tax on any bank not chartered by the State of Maryland.   The only bank at that time to conduct operations in Maryland but without being chartered by the State of Maryland was the Second Bank of the United States.   The Second Bank refused to pay the imposed taxed, and the State of Maryland filed suit against the local representative for the bank, James McCulloch.Before being heard by the Supreme Court of the United States, McCulloch vs. Maryland was first heard by a state court in Maryland and later the Maryland Court of Appeals.   Both the state court and the Court of Appeals held for the State of Maryland.   When the case came to the Supreme Court on error in 1819, the highest bod y of the land reversed the decision of both the Court of Appeals and the state court in Maryland, holding for the Federal government.The argument used by the State of Maryland in support of their right to tax an institution conducting business without their borders was that the Constitution did not make any provisions affecting banking.   Further, the State of Maryland argued that because of that Constitutional omission, the Federal Government did not have the proper authority to charter a bank and therefore, the Second Bank of the United States was unconstitutional.   On the side of the Federal Government, the argument was offered that nothing in the Constitution prohibited the formation of the bank in order to conduct important financial business on behalf of the country.   The Court sided with this argument and found that the taxed imposed by the State of Maryland improperly interfered with the business of the Federal Government.The ongoing impact of McCulloch vs. Maryland is profound.   Two important principles that would be used repeatedly in later years resulted from this decision.   The first principle holds that the Constitution grants to Congress certain implied powers to be used in upholding express powers granted by the Constitution.   What this means is that it can be inferred that certain actions may become necessary in order to ensure the functionality of the Federal Government.   The second principle is that no state can interfere in the conduct of the Federal Government when that conduct is protected or provided for by the Constitution.   In the decision of the Court, written by Chief Justice John Marshall, a statement is made thatâ€Å"If the States may tax one instrument, employed by the Government in the execution of its powers, they may tax any and every other instrument. They may tax the mail; they may tax the mint; they may tax patent rights; they may tax the papers of the custom house; they may tax judicial process; they may tax all the means employed by the Government to an excess which would defeat all the ends of Government†.In deliberately enumerating some many other actions that could follow, the slippery slope of finding for the State of Maryland is indicated, clearly showing that to allow such taxation would be detrimental to the workings of the government as a whole.Steven Engel, in an article published by the Yale Law Journal, writing that one of the significant results of the decision in McCulloch vs. Maryland is in the crafting of the Fourteenth Amendment, saying â€Å"In drafting Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, the Republicans borrowed explicitly from McCulloch in granting Congress the power to enforce the provisions of the amendment by appropriate legislation†.   (Engel, 1999)Specifically, the language of the fourteenth amendment states â€Å"The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article†.   (Fourteen th Amendment) The significance of a court case leading to the construction of part of a Constitutional amendment is tremendous.   Before, the State of Maryland could argue that no specific provision existed in the Constitution, to which the Supreme Court responded with the concept of implied powers.   Now, with the influence of McCulloch v. Maryland on the formation of the Fourteenth Amendment, specific provisions existed for the Government to take the moves necessary to uphold the law of the land.Martin Flaherty, in a journal article discussing the Supreme Court decisions of John Marshall, describes the Chief Justice as a judicial equivalent to Shakespeare, in the eloquent manner in which he wrote.   He goes on to say, however, that Marshall was very firm in his view of â€Å"We the People†, as opposed to â€Å"We the States†.   Whereas history teaches that the Constitution was a massive effort of the states to come together in agreement over laws for the coun try, Flaherty states that Marshall views the Constitution as a result of the work of the people.He states, â€Å"The usual–and critical–corollary that follows holds that the national populace erred on the side of according power to the national government at the expense of the states, as McCulloch appears to indicate†.   (Flaherty, 2002)   This article indicates that the overriding impact of McCulloch v. Maryland on the society of the time as well as society today is that the people are stronger en masse than the states in which they happen to reside.   This impact of empowerment carries through to the modern day, both in the case of individual people and of the collective people of the Federal government.Although the decision in McCulloch v. Maryland was made almost 190 years ago, it is as significant now as it was then.   Between establishing, firmly, the concept of implied powers as well as clearly holding the superiority of the Federal Government ove r state governments, it’s reach is far and long.   Going far beyond the issue of banking, McCulloch’s legacy may be the empowerment of the phrase â€Å"We the People† and the impact that phrase has had on the citizens of this country for the past two hundred years.ReferencesEngle, S. (1999).   The McCulloch Theory of the Fourteenth Amendment: City of Boerne V.Flores and the Original Understanding of Section 5.   Yale Law Journal, 109:1, 115.Flaherty, M.S. (2002).   John Marshall, McCulloch V. Maryland, and â€Å"We the People†: Revisions in Need of Revising.   William and Mary Law Review,   43:4, 1339.McCulloch v. Maryland.   17 U.S. 316 (1819).U.S. Const., amend XIV,  §5.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Is the norwegian language under threat?

Is the Norwegian language under threat†? More and more words from other languages is blending in, in the Norwegian language. The biggest threat† to the Norwegian language is English. As the English language slowly took over most parts of the world as the official language of several post-colonized country, it's on the way to take the Norwegian language completely our tongue. No one can deny the fact how much English has Influence our every day, It's a well-known fact that Norwegian words Is substituted with English. AmericanEnglish Is settling faster than British English on the Norwegian shelf. USA has basically been the most dominant force after the Second World War, they have expanded their businesses on a massive scale, they reign supreme on the entertainment and In term of science and technology field, USA Is one of, If not on top. These popular fields which they have exceeded on also bring their American- English on top, other businesses, entertainment Industries, an d the science- technological world must cope with them and, they have to use American-English more consistently on every day basis. They provide the information to the people. D people to tend to catch on words than can maybe explain a word on their mother tongue better or simply because it is a lot simpler to say that word, English tends to be not so difficult language to learn, even for young children, as they use technological devices and internet to read information, or to even play games, chic portrays a strong role, to learn young children into learning English. If this continues, American-English would eradicate the Norwegian language a lot faster than we think. As the linguistic Selfless Limier said, we have to find means to end this American-English language takeover, he mentioned that we need to convert basic English word back into Norwegian e. G bacon-O sidedness. This way we may stand a chance to preserve Norwegian. My thoughts on this matter is straightforward, American -English landed firmly on Norwegian soil and it's here to stay for good, the question remains is how long does it going to take before English becomes the official language of this country. A large number of well know industries which is located in Norway, do only speak English and you also have to apply for the Job on English, even though it means working onNorwegian land, I myself have experienced this. Remember what the history of the English language has done to the population of the world, slowly clawed Its way to the top the tongues of the inhabitants by certain ways, and drained the native language form their core and replaced It with English words and or as an official language Is history doomed to repeat Itself or does the Norwegian language stand a chance, our next generations will live to tell the tale. BY ibbi2206 our tongue. No one can deny the fact how much English has influence our every day, it's a well-known fact that Norwegian words is substituted with English.

The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 44

Booyah! When Danny finishes reading Tiffany's latest letter, he sighs, scratches his Afro, and looks out my bedroom window for a long time. I want his reaction because he is the only person I know who doesn't already have a strong opinion about Tiffany. Everyone else is obviously biased – even Cliff. â€Å"So,† I finally say from my bed. I'm sitting with my back against the headboard and my cast propped up on a few pillows. â€Å"What do you think I should do?† Danny sits down, opens up the Parcheesi box, and takes out the hand-painted wooden board and pieces my mother gave me for my birthday. â€Å"I feel like being red today,† he says. â€Å"What color you want?† After I pick blue, we set up the board on the little table my mother put in the room for us when I first came home with a broken leg. We play Parcheesi like we always do when Danny visits, and it becomes obvious that he isn't going to weigh in with an opinion regarding Tiffany, probably because he knows that only I can make this decision – but maybe because he just wants to play the game. He loves Parcheesi more than any man I have ever met, and when he lands on one of my spots and sends one of my pieces back to the start circle, Danny always points at my face and yells, â€Å"Booyah!† which makes me laugh because he is so goddamn serious about Parcheesi. Even though I don't really enjoy playing Parcheesi as much as Danny does – and he won't answer any of my questions about Tiffany – it's nice to have him back in my life again. We play Parcheesi for so many hours – days pass, and my record against Danny grows to 32 wins and 203 losses. Danny is a supreme Parcheesi player, and the best dice roller I have ever met. When he says, â€Å"Papa needs a doublet,† he almost always rolls two sixes. Whatever Papa needs, Danny rolls.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

It’s Time for a Change Essay

Social issues have lingered in the shadows of American history since the day that our independence was signed in 1776, a mere two hundred and thirty ­nine years ago. At that time, social issues consisted of our founding father’s debate over which men were to be considered equal, and the social issue of slavery as a whole became prominent to our young nation. From slavery to suffrage, the United States is no stranger to defining these particular social wrongs, and striving to make them right. As time has developed, the issues of old have passed, but now, new ones have arose. Currently, sitting in 2015, the United States is again being subjected to another social issueÍ ¾ that is police brutality and the use of body cameras as a means of holding all parties involved accountable for their actions. It is simply irresponsible not to implement this new means of technology and I believe that it’s use is a key factor in solving the social issue of police brutality, and the u ntrust and stigmas that stem from this abuse of power. Names like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner have dominated headlines of many major news outlets for the past two years. The common factor between the three being the excessive use of force upon unarmed civilians. In the cases of Martin and Brown, both men were fatally shot, both were unarmed, and both had two conflicting sides of the story detailing the events leading up to and after their respective shootings. In each instance, many in the public were led to believe that racial stigmas were the determining reasons for the pulling of the trigger, and as a result mass protests and riots have occurred in towns such as but not limited to, Ferguson, Missouri and New York City. This is where body cameras demonstrate their necessity in our society and culture. As previously mentioned, both Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin’s deaths both went unrecorded, and the only substantial evidence of what occurred is the accounts of those who fired the fatal bullets. This is a defined problem. Despite either the positive or negative intentions of the officers who fired their weapons, each one has a bias, and with that, it can lead to that party giving a skewed opinion on how the events of each occurrence actually went down. The idea of a human source is just simply too unreliable, and it comes down our own human nature with bias’, and the fact that every single person has one. The use of body cameras instead in these instances would ultimately resolve this problem. Real footage would clearly display whether or not the use of fatal force was indeed necessary to use upon an unarmed civilian, and if not, it would hold the actually guilty party accountable for their actions. By simply attaching a recording device to an officer’s person, society is able to cut out human bias, and reveal the true nature of the event. The benefit alone in these new technologies makes the investment worth every dollar.

Friday, September 13, 2019


OPERATIONS MANGEMENT PROJECT- NEW BUSINESS - Assignment Example The company will first target supermarkets and large retail stores and building management business so as to establish a solid base of clients in Dubai. TESCO Security Company will carefully increase its employee base of security guards, basing on the contracts of clients, and employ both part-time and full-time security guards. The business anticipates good amount of sales during the first one year, and almost double by the end of the third year. Gross margins will be same to the average of the industry, basing on the security guard labor costs vs. billings. After launching the initial investment, a lean first year, and the formation of a training space and office in the second year, the company will be on the edge of expanding through its own internal source of finance after the end of three years. After the business is proved to be successful in other cities, the business may sell its shares to provide an exit strategy for the original founders and investors. TESCO Security will eliminate worries for customers who needs security guards for their facilities, buildings, and events by offering excellent customer services for customers and comprehensive training for their staff Intrinsic forecasting technique ­- comprises of qualitative and quantitative methods. In qualitative method, forecasting is based on subjective method in case of qualitative data is absent. It is based on opinions, best guesses and personal judgment. Contrary, quantitative forecasting is based on formulas and mathematical models. This model believes that what happened in the past will likely happen in the future. The ability to carry out accurate forecasting affects the profitability of our business. Furthermore, the ability to enhance the demand forecasting for client demand then sharing the information downstream allows effective arrangement and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Consolidation and Reflective Statement 350 words Coursework

Consolidation and Reflective Statement 350 words - Coursework Example My success formula is simply doing exhaustive research, privately going through the learning materials repeatedly, and later endorsing the read information through discussions. I comprehensively researched and answered all questions in the online library and career service quiz correctly. The discussion skills I perfected enabled me to work effectively on the workshop group blog. Additionally, the discussions equipped me with all-round information applicable in the evaluation process in a workshop group wiki. To complete the portfolio, I worked essentially by discussing with people, and deliberating many internet materials, journals, books and some materials that had been done by other students relating to the topic. Difficulties were imminent because I had not been involved in any research of such magnitude during my previous education, which was mostly based on question and answer. Time was a challenge because extensive researching needs relatively longer duration. To overcome the challenges, I sort help from a number of people who guided me on how to gather information perfectly. In the same way, I used various applications to create work schedules and manage time. In overall, this was a very educative experience. It offered an opportunity for practically experiencing working under different scenarios. I developed a number of skills and knowledge in the process. For instance, now I am a better timekeeper and a good portfolio manager. Above all, I established a critical mind, which will be of great assistance to me throughout my life and professional

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Green Thumbs in the Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Green Thumbs in the Family - Essay Example This paper will study the connections between these aspects of the plant and how exactly they correlate to both the Younger family and their internal dynamics. The significance of the flower pot can be seen as an encompassing support. It is what keeps the necessary components together for the continuation of life. This directly parallels the family unity that all the characters exhibit to different degrees in varying ways from Walter's need to provide stable income for the family to Beneatha's drive to become a doctor, thus helping other people while providing security for her own. The most direct representation of this surrounding support can be found in two main examples, however: Walter Sr.'s insurance money and Lena's purchase of a new house for the family. The first of these is a result of a lifetime of hard work to support his family - and, despite to what extent the work may have killed Walter Sr., his efforts have extended beyond his own lifetime to support the family after his passing. The example of the new house is Lena's own contribution to nurture and provide for the family, for they have essentially overgrown their current ab ode and must be transplanted into a new vessel. This proves to be an additional aspect of the flowerpot's symbolism, for it allows the life within to be easily transported to new environments. It is the support of the external flowerpot that contains the spirit of the earth inside - the full combination of heritage and environment which allows life to thrive. The earth within the Youngers' vessel contains the soil from everyplace they have ever been: from Africa to Southern America to Chicago. These aspects are paralleled through the characters. Beneatha carries a fascination of Africa, Lena carries all the memories of the South and it's racism. And as much as Beneatha rails against assimilation (ignoring the hypocrisy of her own plans to study Western medicine), both she and her brother Walter have done so to an extent. Lena is correct when she observes that her two children talk about things her and her husband never thought about - for their concerns are the concerns of a new day and a new environment. It is important to always remember the soil that initially nurtured one's life yet is also inevitable that some of the soil must be replenished, for whatever reason. Lif e needs a replenishment of nutrients; these come from what is most conducive to the current environment. Thus, the family must use the surrounding support of their heritage and family (the pot) to contain and combine the influx of new conditions ('assimilation' of new and old soil) in order for the life of the family to thrive. There are two quotes from Lena in Act Two, Scene Three, where she first explains her actions with the plant as that she is "Fixing my plant so it won't get hurt none on the way" and then defending her plant by claiming that "It expresses ME!" Lena's consistent overtures to gardening (and the family's acknowledgement of it through their gardening gifts to her) are fitting, as she has nurtured the life of her family for so long. Yet her identification with it is somewhat incomplete, as revealed by her connecting her own children with it in Act One, Scene

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

5 Page Book Critique on Francis A. Schaeffers book, How Should We Then Essay

5 Page Book Critique on Francis A. Schaeffers book, How Should We Then Live for a Advanced School Law Class - Essay Example ly states â€Å""To understand where we are in todays world -- in our intellectual ideas and in our cultural and political lives -- we must trace three lines in history, namely, the philosophic, the scientific, and the religious." In this book Schaeffer aims at motivating the people to return to religion and the Christian way of life. He speaks of the problems of the modern day and their affect on society today. By tracing back through history he provides a compelling argument to explain the value of the Christian ethic and belief. His conclusion is that the only way to achieve success and satisfaction in the world today is to go back to the ultimate truth: The Bible. This is considered the absolute perfection that is revealed to Christ through the Scriptures. The book also speaks of the beauty and magnificence of God. It mentions the importance of understanding the true power behind the infinite God as human beings are mere finite shadows under his supremacy. To better explain this aim, a quote has been taken from the book â€Å"It is important that the Bible sets forth true knowledge about mankind. The biblical teaching provides the meaning of all the particulars, however this is especially so with regards to that particular which is critical to man, namely, the ‘self’ individual either him or her; it really provides a reason for the individual to be great. The ironical factor here remains that humanism, which initiates with Man being central, ultimately has no real meaning for people. At the same time, if one starts off with the Bibles position that an individual is created by God and created in the image of God, there is a basis for that persons dignity. People, the Bible preaches, are created in the image of God -- they are not programmed. Each is thus Man with dignity.†(Chapter 4) In his acknowledgements Schaeffer writes â€Å"â€Å"Using my study, over the past forty years, of Western thought and culture as a base, we could attempt to present the flow and

Monday, September 9, 2019

Compare and contrast two developmental approaches to the study of Essay

Compare and contrast two developmental approaches to the study of developmental psychology. You must refer to research and theory in your answer - Essay Example Contrastingly, developmental psychologists who emphasized learning theories, such as Lev Vygotsky, John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner and Albert Bandura focus on the role of environment more than on the part played by biology. The diverse theories are based on different assumptions, but are similar in some respects (Sigelman & Rider, 2006: 49). The two developmental approaches which are chosen for comparison in this paper are those of Erikson (1902-1994) and Piaget (1896-1987). The similarities and differences between their theories will be examined, including the extent to which nature versus nurture play a part. On the nature side of the nature-nurture controversy, the nativist belief is that human development is determined by innate factors such as genetic endowment and brain maturation. On the nurture side, also known as empirism, development is considered as the result of experience and learning. Although there are some biologically based limits on behaviour and cognition, the â€Å"brains are open, dynamic information processors that are receptive to sociocultural influences† (Kitayama & Cohen, 2007: 528). According to Jean Piaget’s theory, the development of intelligence in children progresses through a series of four stages based on age and concurrent biological changes and maturation. This leads to the child demonstrating a higher level of cognitive functioning at each successive stage, as compared to the previous stage (Videbeck, 2007: 61). The stages of development are not universal, since cultural differences exist. However, the mechanisms that underlie cognitive development are considered to be universal (Pressley & McCormick, 2007: 89). 1. The sensorimotor stage: This extends from birth to two years. The child develops a sense of self, differentiated from the environment, and develops the concept of object permanence. That is, a perception of the existence of tangible objects even

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Organizations and Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizations and Management - Case Study Example Some employees avoid interacting with members of other cultures/ethnicities and/or view them as "undesirable" staff. This case vividly portrays that interpersonal communication employed by the CEO is ineffective and inefficient caused by different values and traditions of people, and poor interaction between all employees. For instance, the CEO and Western employees have different perception and understanding of the "family" concept of organizational culture but the CEO is unable to recognize these difficulties and problems experienced by the subordinates. The "western" are perceived as impolite and disruptive because of different communication n corms and traditions which have not been communicated and explained to Westerns people by the CEO (Wood, 2003). 2. The case study vividly portrays the important role of CEO and his vision in organizational culture. Communication should be seen as a process by which knowledge that resides in one or more people comes to be represented in one or more others. Certainly the transfer of knowledge is not the only thing that happens in communication, and for certain purposes it may not be the most useful way of thinking about the process. Below we refer briefly to some other dimensions of communication that may be important for cooperative work. Underlying the knowledge transfer view of communication is the assumption that any communicative act rests on a base of mutual knowledge (West and Turner 2006). The example of Mainland Enterprises reveals a set of mechanisms derives from the fact that individuals can often be assigned to social categories, and such category membership often predicts individual knowledge. Of course, category membership is not a perfect predictor of knowledge. Conversation (and similar interactive forms) permits communicators to formulate messages that are tightly linked to the immediate knowledge and perspectives of the individual participants, because it affords the participants moment-to-moment information on each others' understanding. Such information permits the formulation of messages that are extremely efficient because they are based on a reasonably precise assessment of the hearer's current knowledge and understanding. The distinction between self and other is rather a rudimentary one, but it can be shown that the Western employees differentiate between message recipients (Knapp and Vangelisti 2004). The problem of misperception and misunderstanding is caused by patriarchal and autocratic management style of the CEO. he does not permit freedom of choice trying to control decision-making and problem-solving within the company. These causes provide stronger support for the common ground hypothesis than the relatively narrow margin of difference between the friend and stranger conditions would lead one to conclude, because the experimental situation was one that would minimize the likelihood of finding such differences. This situation proves that in communicating with "friends" and "family", employees are likely to have direct and detailed knowledge of the information

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Construction law cases Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Construction law cases - Case Study Example The contractor could have requested for Request For Information on the matter. A consultant engineer entered into a contract with City of San Marcos. A written consent was required to any modification from the client to contractor. A request was orally done in modification of scope of work which is in contrast to the contractor. The charter of the city allowed oral contracts to contractors possessing requisite authority. The agreement between the client and contractor in this case reveals that the contractor possessed requisite authority. Any modification in the scope of work was binding be in in writing or verbal. The consultant is therefore obliged to carry out the scope of work and claim for payment upon completion. The contractor subcontracted part of the work. The contractor made oral request to the sub contractor who claimed for compensation. Communication in execution of work must always be in writing. If the subcontractor executed work that was orally communicated by the contractor, the contractor is not obliged to any claim. This is because it was a non approved mode of communication according to the tender document. Secondly, the subcontractor cannot claim for any payment from the client because the contract is binding between the client and the general contractor. In this case, the subcontractor claims a breach of contractor by the general contractor for not paying him upon completion of work. The general contractor claimed that he had not received payments from the client for the work executed by the subcontractor. According to the â€Å"Paid if Paid† clause, the subcontractor does not have any link with the client and the contractor has no right to withholds payments to the subcontractor. This is exceptional for a case where the contractor indicated in the contract document that sub contractor will receive payment after payment has been made to the contractor by the client. However, the contractor should not more than what the client owns

Friday, September 6, 2019

Story of mankind Essay Example for Free

Story of mankind Essay Siddhartha is the story of mankind; the continuous search for knowledge and the understanding that what people know, no matter how old, experienced, and knowledgeable they might be, is smaller than what there is to discover and is insufficient to reach the complete comprehension and satisfaction that are, according to the main character of the story, obtainable. In the beginning of his life, and of his journey, he is the son of a Brahmin; a wealthy man who wanted his son to have the best knowledge about everything of life. This fact is evident when we see Siddhartha absorbing all the knowledge that was being passed to him from his teacher and that he was able to discuss the deepest and most important of subjects with the elders; those whom were considered to be the most knowledgeable. â€Å"Joy leapt in his father’s heart for his son who was quick to learn, thirsty for knowledge; he saw him growing up to become a great wise man and priest, a prince among the Brahmans† (Archie, Baggett, Poston, and G. Archie, 2). Siddhartha realizes that his need to know is much higher than anything else; he understood that staying in his village, living the same life as others, would not make him comprehend the essence of life and the meaning of everything. â€Å"Siddhartha, was not a source of joy for himself, he found no delight in himself† (Archie, et al. , 3). He felt that his soul would not be in peace if he would not take the right step in the pursuit of knowledge: To become a Samana. What he was aiming at was to be able to free himself from all human weaknesses, such as thirsts, sorrows, pleasures and desires. But even after learning from the Samanas, he found that he was still empty; he needed more than what they offered. He did not want to hear about the various experiences of life, and about the great things to comprehend, he needed to pass through all the experiences himself and to be a part of everything that is there to know and understand. This was the main reason why he decided to take the next step: The step of setting out on a journey, and to become a Saman himself. Meeting Gotama, the Buddha, and learning from him was not enough for Siddhartha, he wanted even more than that, he wanted to reach the absolute knowledge about one’s self, about one’s soul, and about the whole meaning of everything. In this stage, he discovered one of the most significant facts about himself: â€Å"That I know nothing about myself, that Siddhartha has remained thus alien and unknown to me, stems from one cause, a single cause: I was afraid of myself, I was fleeing from myself† (Archie, et al., 36). He left his companion, Govinda, with Gotama, and continued on his journey by himself. The story he lived afterwards with a woman (Kamala) whom he thought that he loved was another step. He became a merchant and started to love money, but then he realized that money, love and the various pleasures he was having were not what he wanted in life. He began, once again, to realize that this is not what made him set on that journey, and that even though he possessed many material things, he really had nothing. From there, he decided to go back to the river, to become a ferryman as he was when he learned everything from Vasuedeva about the river and about the roads and meanings of each step in that direction. He left everything and started again hoping to find the truth and hoping to reach his original objective, which was lost in the midst of pleasures and money. All the previous experiences led him to think of taking his life, but then the sacred word ‘Om’ saved him and put him back in the right path. And with the help of Govinda, he understood what he wanted; he went back, found a wife, and made a family. His son, shortly after his death, set on a journey to find knowledge and to reach the truth. Who is Siddhartha? He is every one of us from the beginning of time. He is every man and woman that walked the earth. He represents all the questions and doubts and suspicions that each individual has about life; his/her life, and the lives of everyone else. He stands for life itself, with its pleasures, pains, and happy moments. He was a Brahmin’s son, a student, a rebel, a Samana, a merchant, and a ferryman, but in the same time, he was none of them and all of them. Because he is the symbol of every living experience that anyone of us can have in his/her life. Siddhartha was simply a human being. Works Cited Archie, L. , Baggett, J. , Poston, B. , and Archie, J. (Eds. ). (2004). Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha. Retrieved October 03, 2006, from the World Wide Web: